Call for Concepts: Ponce City Market
March 1, 2019 @ 8:00 am – March 31, 2019 @ 5:00 pm
Ponce City Market—site, building, and owners (Sears, Roebuck & Co. and Jamestown)—have played a role in the transformation of Atlanta. Since the 1868 discovery of Ponce de Leon Springs, the location has been a draw, offering health, recreation, entertainment, and prosperity. Situated at a point of transitions between neighborhoods and communities, it has connected people from across Atlanta and from the city to the southeastern region.
FLUX: Ponce City Market will present a series of projects that investigate the location as an energetic center, and the building as a vessel through which visitors can commune with its rich and complex past as well as its immediate present. The work will approach Ponce City Market as a playground of acoustic space, a series of passages and chambers with unique sonic properties and opportunities. FLUX will ‘turn up the volume’ of the building: manifesting the sonic qualities of Ponce City Market in engaging, unexpected ways, and bringing awareness to how the building exists around us and reacts to our presence.
Projects must use sound as a primary medium.
We are first asking artists to submit concepts in no more than 250 words. From this we will select a handful of artists to develop proposals.
Complete the Google form with the following information: name, address, email, telephone, website, 250-word concept description.
March 31, 2019. Artists will be notified by April 30, 2019.