Freedom Fighter - Round 1: Fight for $15


Saturday,November 7, 7 pm to midnight
Old 4th Ward, Atlanta

Center for Tactical Magic with performances by Dad’s Garage Theatre Company & music by IFLY's Extremely Michael

It has been said that protest is a form of sympathetic magic or ritualized mock combat where oppositional politics are performed in the streets to produce material results in the halls of government. For Flux Night 2015, Freedom Fighter establishes a space for people to unleash their frustrations in a battle against symbols of social injustice.

With a focus on the national campaign to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour, Round 1: The Fight for $15 will be the first incarnation of Freedom Fighter. The arena is, literally, an over-inflated simulacrum of the real-world struggles between workers and corporations. Taking cues from the spectacular 1990’s game show, “American Gladiators,” the inflatable arena sets the stage for padded participants to duel against a fast food mascot of their choosing: Ronald McDonald, Burger King, Jack (in-the-box), Wendy, Colonel Sanders, or the Taco Bell Chihuahua. Both challenger and mascot will stand on raised platforms and attempt to knock each off their respective pedestal using large, foam weapons. If a challenger can successfully defeat their corporate opponent, s/he will win a $15 cash prize and the cheers of an adoring crowd.

About the Artist

The Center for Tactical Magic engages in extensive research, development, and deployment of the pragmatic system known as Tactical Magic. A fusion force summoned from the ways of the artist, the magician, the ninja, and the private investigator, Tactical Magic is an amalgam of disparate arts invoked for the purpose of actively addressing power on individual, communal, and transnational fronts. At the CTM we are committed to achieving the Great Work of Tactical Magic through community-based projects, daily interdiction, and the activation of latent energies toward positive social transformation.

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