Granular Sampler


    Saturday,November 7, 7 pm to midnight
    Old 4th Ward, Atlanta

    Audio software by sound designers: Jason Freeman & Anna Xambó (GA Tech), & Gerard Roma (University of Surrey)

    “Granular Sampler,” is a new audio software created by Freeman, Xambó & Roma especially for Jennifer Wen Ma’s Flux Night 2015 public art project, Bending the Arc.

    The software is designed to listen to a voice, analyze that voice, then send what it learns to a graphics software so the voice can be animated in real-time.

    “Granular Sampler” also records what it hears, and is able to recombine the voices it records and compose a musical mashup that can then be played back.

    To enable artists (all over the globe) to continue to use these algorithms in their own creative works, after Flux Night 2015 “Granular Sampler” will be released under an open source license.

    And, when we hit the 50% funding mark of our Bending the Arc Indiegogo campaign, Freeman, Xambó & Roma will give an webinar (FREE) to everyone out there who wants to learn how to do their own mashup with “Granular Sampler.”

    About the Artist

    More info on the Granular Sampler sound designers:
    Jason Freeman (GA Tech)
    Anna Xambó (GA Tech)
    Gerard Roma (University of Surrey)

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