Saturday, October 5, 7 pm to midnight
Virginia Byers + Aria Finkelstein
To what extent will we pay for access to data with incremental invasions of our privacy? This Atlanta duo explores the way our increasing acquiescence to surveillance changes the meaning of public spaces. An unmanned aircraft pulls the imagination along a thread of allusion, from toy to weapon to tool of surveillance to light show.
About the Artist
Byers and Finkelstein are both Atlanta-based designers. They met while studying architecture at Georgia Tech, and since, have collaborated on several graphic design projects and a commissioned piece for Art on the Beltline.
Byers is an architectural designer who focuses on building information modeling in construction. She has extensive experience designing, coordinating, and producing quality sculptural work, specifically assisting Maria Artemis on the Beltline Clear Creek Stone Sculptures, the Donald Lee Hollowell memorial park, and an installation for MOCA GA. She has collaborated in group shows at the Museum of Design Atlanta, Dyett Gallery, and Rochester Contemporary Arts Center.
Finkelstein is an urban designer who has worked with communities around Georgia to understand urban design principles and create master plans. She has experience with numerous mapping and digital modeling platforms, using GPS and GIS to create community maps and regional models, and she is skilled in digital navigation systems after spending months navigating boats in southeast Alaska.