We Are All Immigrants Here
friday, oct 1, 2010. 8pm - 2am
Carolina Rubio MacWright
From the Pilgrims, America’s first refugees, to today’s immigrants who arrive from across the globe, we have all come to America with a simple wish: a better future where our dreams can come true. The piece consists of a nearly finished American flag that is made out of clothing that was donated by a combination of first, second, and third generation legal and illegal immigrants. The artist, a recent immigrant, will be hand-sewing the final pieces of clothing onto the flag throughout the night.
In the background the attendees will hear a chain of interwoven immigrant stories: how and why they migrated, their happiest and their most difficult sacrifices as well as their most painful memories. These audio stories are told by a collection of personalities from all over the world, from 3rd generation immigrants who came through Ellis Island, to people who illegally crossed the US-Mexican border, a few months ago carrying bottles of water around their waist.