Sabotage and Hello Hero, Hero Hello Gallery Sabotage and Hello Hero, Hero Hello FLUX NIGHT 2010, Visual Sabotage and Hello Hero, Hero Hello
Mike Washes the Window Gallery Mike Washes the Window FLUX NIGHT 2010, Performance, Visual Mike Washes the Window
The Vibrating Pictorial Field of Vision Gallery The Vibrating Pictorial Field of Vision FLUX NIGHT 2010, Visual The Vibrating Pictorial Field of Vision
We Are All Immigrants Here Gallery We Are All Immigrants Here FLUX NIGHT 2010, Visual We Are All Immigrants Here
On Closeness; and the Inexhaustibility of the Subject Gallery On Closeness; and the Inexhaustibility of the Subject FLUX NIGHT 2010, Visual On Closeness; and the Inexhaustibility of the Subject
Convergent Frequencies Gallery Convergent Frequencies FLUX NIGHT 2010, Sound, Visual Convergent Frequencies
The Traveling Menagerie Gallery The Traveling Menagerie FLUX NIGHT 2010, Visual The Traveling Menagerie
Interactive Sonic Puppetry (X) Gallery Interactive Sonic Puppetry (X) FLUX NIGHT 2010, Sound Interactive Sonic Puppetry (X)
Can I Get You Anything Else? Gallery Can I Get You Anything Else? FLUX NIGHT 2010, Performance Can I Get You Anything Else?
Tomorrow is another day Gallery Tomorrow is another day FLUX NIGHT 2010, Visual Tomorrow is another day
Cloud Cutting: Inverted Ground Gallery Cloud Cutting: Inverted Ground FLUX NIGHT 2010, Visual Cloud Cutting: Inverted Ground